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  • Writer's pictureAdmiral Anson

Welcome Back! Anson’s Voyage 20:20:60 resumes on April 9th!

It has been nearly two years since we had to suspend our trip around the world, visiting all the sites where Admiral Anson made landfall during his historic circumnavigation of the globe from 1740-1744. We all know why it wasn’t possible to travel in April 2020, and we made the decision to postpone the trip for two years to 2022; the feeling being that we might not be out of the coronavirus pandemic in 12 months time. And so it proved! Here we are reconvened with our travel advisors, Cazenove + Loyd, earlier this month who have amazingly rejigged the entire trip that was planned for 2020, and put it into 2022 almost without a hitch.

I am very pleased to say that the trip is now back on, and we depart for Sao Paulo on Saturday, April 9th. We will then fly further down the coast to Santa Catarina Island, before heading down to Argentina, and Patagonia. We will then cross over into Chile, and continue up the coast, visiting the sites where Commodore Anson stopped. Along the way we will be visiting many famous locations like the Moreno Glacier, the Atacama desert, and the Galapagos Islands to name but a few. We will travel through Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, and end up in Charleston, South Carolina, where George Anson’s early naval career commenced.

If it all goes to plan, we will be returning to the UK on Thursday, June 2nd, nearly 2 months after our departure. There are a lot of moving parts to this trip, but it has been meticulously planned, and I look forward to posting regular updates for all of you as we follow in the footsteps of Admiral Anson.

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