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  • Writer's pictureAdmiral Anson


This is the last stop on the first leg of our journey following in the footsteps of Commodore Anson. We are on the island of Pamalican, which is located in the middle of the Cuyo archipelago in The Philippines. We flew to Manila from Saipan via Guam on Thursday, stayed overnight and flew in a small plane to this island. Although Pamalican is due south of Manila, we had to fly out west and then south to avoid the Taal volcano which is at level 4 (likely eruption). Everyone seems fairly relaxed - “it’s a small volcano” in a country with over 120 active ones.

Commodore Anson did not come to Pamalican, but we are using it as a staging post to visit Cape Espiritu Santo, off which is where he captured the Acapulco Galleon, the Nuestra Senora de Cavadonga on June 21, 1743. We visit there tomorrow, so more details after that.

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