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  • Writer's pictureAdmiral Anson

Exploring Patagonia

This morning we went horse riding across the valley from our lodge to a small lake populated with flamingos. Quite a lot of wildlife around: hares, geese and crested caracara. Our mounts, Electra for George, Freddy for Douglas, and Al Capone for Kirsty, did us proud, particularly as I am not known for my equestrian prowess. Al Capone lived up to his name as he took every opportunity to nip the horse in front of him if it was moving too slow. The bracing air, and strong sunshine made us all feel alive.

After lunch we went on a 4x4 trek to the top of local hill (1,000m) by which time the wind had picked up quite considerably. But amazing 360 degree views with the turquoise waters of Lago Argentino in the background.

Tomorrow Douglas and I are flying to Port San Julian, where Commodore Anson landed with his fleet to reprovision. Kirsty will be going on her own with a guide to Lake Frias in Los Glaciares National Park to see glaciers, icebergs, and ancient forests.

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