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  • Writer's pictureAdmiral Anson

Everything on Hold

Yesterday morning we had the call with our travel advisors, Cazenove & Loyd, that we were dreading, but knew was coming. For the last few weeks we have been following the news about the global spread of the coronavirus, and have been in regular contact with C&L about whether or not we would be travelling on April 4th to Brazil and the rest of South America.

After the announcement that Argentina, Peru and Colombia will be requiring all foreign visitors to self-quarantine upon arrival for 14 days the decision was taken to postpone the second leg of Anson’s Voyage 20:20:60.

Because of personal commitments next year (2021) the next possible window of time for us to pick up where we left off will be in 2022 at around the same time of year. C&L are already on the case to secure the same sort of itinerary as was previously planned. It seems a long time to wait for the holiday of a lifetime but I am sure it will be worth it. Stay tuned!

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