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  • Writer's pictureAdmiral Anson

Cape Espiritu Santo

The most important date and place in Commodore Anson’s voyage around the world from 1740-1744 is June 21 1743 at Cape Espiritu Santo. This is located just off the north coast of Samar Island in The Philippines. An area populated by communists and rebels according to our guide. This is where Anson captured the Acapulco Galleon, the Nuestra Senora de Cavadonga, the Prize of all the Oceans.

After a 90 minute action, the Spanish Cavadonga struck her colours, and Captain Saumarez boarded her. On board was 1,313,843 gold pieces of eight, and 35,682 ozs of virgin silver. The treasure was transferred to The Centurion over the next three days. They then set sail for Macau. They reprovisioned, sold the Manila Galleon, and set sail for home, reaching Spithead on June 15, 1744, three years and nine months after they first embarked on this voyage. Anson was feted up and down the country, and his treasure paraded through the streets of London in twenty-six wagonloads of gold and silver.

Our trip to Cape Espiritu Santo involved flying for over seven hours in a cramped six-seater single engine Piper aircraft, that involved two refuelling stops and intestinal fortitude. Although our pilots were exemplary, we had to deal with strong head and tailwinds which made take-offs and landings tricky. The Cape itself is but a large rock protruding out of the shoreline, but it was the first sight of land for many sailors after crossing the Pacific. We are probably the first Ansons to visit Cape Espiritu Santo in 276 years. I can imagine it might be some time before the next visit given its remote location. But I am glad we did it! Thanks Kirsty and Douglas for indulging my passion!

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