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  • Writer's pictureAdmiral Anson

Anson’s Voyage 20:20:60 resumes in 2022

After several weeks of frantic discussions and negotiations, our travel advisors, Cazenove & Loyd, have managed to shift our entire planned itinerary out two years. We have uprooted our two month travel plans to South America for April and May of this year, and transplanted them into 2022 - departing on April 9th 2022 and returning on June 4th. Amazingly its been done with very little loss - less than 5% of the total cost of the entire journey.

This of course assumes that the world will have adjusted to the ”new normal” and still makes our trip feasible. Let’s all hope it does!

Thank you for following Anson’s Voyage and I will be back in touch when there are any further updates.

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