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Charleston, South Carolina

On Sunday, May 29th we arrived in Charleston, South Carolina. We flew in right in the middle of the American Memorial Day weekend, so...


And on to Acapulco to join all the beautiful people. Well, that might have been true in the 1950s - 70s when Jackie O and JFK spent...


The last two days have been in Panama, which is a country that was founded in 1904 (formerly a department of Colombia) and has a...

The Galápagos Islands - the last days

Our week on the MV Theory finished on Sunday, May 22nd, but we had an action-packed last few days. Every day we had a morning walk,...

The Galápagos Islands - a further update

We have now been in the Galápagos Islands for five nights, and cruised to six different islands in that time. We started at Genovesa,...

The Galapagos Islands

On Sunday, May 15th, we departed from our lovely hotel, the Hotel Del Parque in Guayaquil, Ecuador to board a flight to San Cristobal, in...

Cusco = Cuzco = Q’osqo

Today we were touring Cusco (or Cuzco, or the more linguistically correct Q’osqo) at its 3,400 metre height above sea level with 500,000...

Machu Picchu

As I write this, the rain is teeming down and 10-man Arsenal are getting thrashed by Spurs. But that is all after a magical 24 hours...

Moray and Maras

Moray is the name of the Inca site at 3,500 metres with these amazing concentric circles that descend downwards into the bowl of the...

Ama sua, ama quella, ama lulla

“Don’t lie, don’t steal, and don’t be lazy”, would be the greeting you would be met with by the Quechuan natives in The Sacred Valley in...


On Saturday, May 7th we spent our last full day in Lima visiting the local fresh food market with lots of amazing local produce. It’s...

The Sacking of Paita

Founded in 1532 as a Spanish colonial port, Paita sits at 5 degrees south latitude. From that date, it was used primarily as a gateway...

El Tatio

Today’s expedition was 100 km north of San Pedro de Atacama on relentless bone-shaking washboard gravel roads to El Tatio (the crying...

Tara Cathedral Rock Formations

This morning at 8:30 am we left San Pedro de Atacama to make the journey to the Tara Catheral rock formations that are in front of Salar...

Atacama Expeditions

Today, Monday, May 2nd, we did two excursions. With our guide, Cristobal, we drove to the Moon Valley, which has a huge resemblance to...


On Sunday, May 1st we left ValparAudi behind and flew 1,500 km to San Pedro de Atacama, which is situated in the heart of the vast...


On Thursday, April 28th we left Chiloe (ironically the sun was shining) and flew about 1,000 km north to Valparaiso, which is located on...

Isla Wager

On Wednesday, April 27th at about 11:30 am, we arrived on Isla Wager, or Wager Island. This island is part of the Katalalixar National...

Guamblin Island

On Tuesday, April 26th at about 1 pm, we landed by helicopter on Guamblin Island, which is a national park reserve in the Chilean...

Heli-touring in Chile

We arrived in Chiloe (the second largest island in South America) on Sunday, April 24th. We were staying at the lovely Tierra Chiloe...

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