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Anson’s Voyage  20:20:60

Retracing the steps of Admiral George Anson


As featured in

Our big 2020 trip

In the year of my 60th birthday (2020) Kirsty and I are traveling around the world and visiting all the major places where Commodore George Anson made landfall in his voyage around the world from 1740-1744.   We are not sailing but going from point to point using mostly air travel to get some far flung places like the Tinian Islands (now the Northern Mariana Islands) and Juan Fernandez Island (now Robinson Crusoe Island).


We depart from London on December 27, 2019, to Cape Town. Spending a week in South Africa before flying to Hong Kong to visit Macau, Canton, and the Tinian Islands.   We finish up in The Philippines before flying back to London on January 23rd.


On April 4, 2020, we fly to Sao Paulo Brazil, and spend the next two months following the coast down to southern Argentina before crossing over into Chile.   Then up the western coast of South America visiting many of the sites where Anson landed, as well as Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and the Galapagos Islands.   We eventually end up in Charlestown South Carolina at the end of May, visiting the suburb of Ansonborough where Anson owned some land in his earlier career.   We arrive back in the UK on May 28th

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